Net Zero Carbon Kerala activities move ahead: Chief Minister

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that the state is effectively progressing towards achieving the goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. This was expressed by hon. CM in the message given on the inauguration of the first international energy meet at Thiruvananthapuram to the Energy Management Centre. The Chief Minister stated that it is important to adopt environmentally friendly energy production methods along with energy conservation in this period when we are experiencing the consequences of climate change. Speaker A.N. Shamseer, who participated in the event, said that the issues of energy conservation and energy literacy should be discussed seriously and carbon-free methods and energy conservation lessons should be imparted to students as well.

State coordinator of Navakeralam Karmapadhathi  Dr. TN Seema  said that  the Net Zero Carbon Kerala through People Campaign is a remarkable step of Haritha Keralam Mission in the energy sector.  Haritha Keralam Mission is following a scientific implementation approach involving all stakeholders in this matter, Dr. TN Seema clarified.