The three major areas of activity of the Haritha Kerala Mission are soil and water conservation, sanitation, waste management and agricultural development with special emphasis on organic farming. It is a public-centred mission designed to be implemented under the leadership of local self-government bodies involving voluntary organisations, NGOs, social workers, environmentalists, students, youth, and the public.
The Action Plan for Sanitation Waste Management aims to create a clean and green Kerala with the full participation of socially conscious and responsible citizens. Haritha Keralam Mission aims to create a new Kerala model in the field of sanitary waste management in a public centric manner through eco-friendly methods to enable zero waste state.
  • Implementation of waste management projects on campaign basis with public participation to maintain soil, water, and atmosphere clean and hygienic.
  • Turn waste management into a resource and employment thereby creating the economy necessary to run a waste management project.
  • To create a totally clean Kerala by devising and implementing waste management schemes on a decentralized model in accordance with the state government's solid-liquid-waste management policies and existing regulations.
  • Ensure timely provision of all necessary infrastructure for decentralized waste management.
  • Enable determination of right to sanitation by ensuring waste management systems and instilling sanitation awareness in the community.
  • Plan and implement schemes to enable liquid waste management at household, institutional and community levels.
  • Establishment of system with private sector participation at sector level for collection and scientific treatment of segregated wastes such as meat waste, hair waste, sanitary waste, non-recyclable materials, construction & demolition waste.
  • Ensuring public sanitation by implementing 'Take A Break', a project to build clean and hygienic public toilets, in all local self-government bodies.
  • Implementation of Litter Free Kerala campaign for people's camp led by local self-government bodies.
  • Suggest changes in the field of higher education in a manner conducive to the formation of experts required for the waste management sector.

Operational approach of the mission
  • Waste management activities will be implemented as public participatory campaign.
  • Central and State initiated schemes in the field of waste management, World Bank assisted schemes, schemes of other departments and schemes of Local Self-Government bodies will be coordinated and converted into a single project at the Local Self-Government level.
  • Plan and implement activities to be completed within the specified time frame and activities to achieve the overall objective and associated campaigns.
  • Empanel private entrepreneurs who follow scientific methods in the field of waste management and provide their services to local self-government bodies on a business model.
  • A comprehensive evaluation of the performance of the local self-government bodies in the field of waste management will be done once in 6 months by deputing special inspection teams. Based on this, the performance of local self-government institutions will be published. Review will be organized at the state level once in 3 months.
  • Haritha Karma Sena will be transformed into profitable ventures. As part of this, bio-fertilizer from organic waste will be marketed under the brand 'Harita Mithram'. Up-cycle and re-cycle products will be taken for use in government systems.
  • VGF will be made available to Haritha Karma Sena units whose income is not improving.
  • The services of Haritha Sahaya Sthapanam (Supporting Institutions) will be made available to local self-government bodies that require technical assistance in implementing decentralized waste management schemes.
  • Permanent Green Audit Committees will be constituted in local self-government bodies.
  • Green certification will be implemented for all establishments that effectively implement waste management activities.
  • Green protocol will be strictly implemented in institutions and public events to ensure minimization of waste and elimination of dumping.
  • Strict legal action will be taken against those who dispose waste improperly.
  • The Sanitation Mission will be reformed to provide better technical support to local self-government bodies in ​​waste management. The Sanitation Mission system will be revamped at state and district levels by involving experts in the areas of liquid waste, organic waste, inorganic waste, hazardous waste, policies, laws, IEC (Information Dissemination Activities) and behavioural change.
  • Enforcement agencies will be consolidated at the local self-government level to strengthen enforcement.
  • Training system will be developed through KILA for human resource development for comprehensive waste management.
  • Private entrepreneurs working in the waste management sector will be made part of the mission.

  • Preparation of time-bound action plan based on status assessment of waste management activities of each local self-government body.
  • Bringing 100 per cent doorstep collection in LSGs that have achieved sanitation status criteria, setting up decentralized waste management systems and increasing infrastructure in the remaining LGUs.
  • Designing and implementing activities and mass education programs based on the functional status of each local self-government body. .
  • Setting up of Mini MCF, MCF, and RRF as part of inorganic waste management in all local self-government bodies with better facilities. R.R.F. mechanization is being done as part of modernisation.
  • Establishment of high-tech plastic recycling parks on a regional basis under the leadership of Clean Kerala Company to further add value to the stored waste.
  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) will be implemented in the state.
  • Establishing systems for collection, storage, transportation and treatment of sanitary, medical and hazardous wastes generated at household level.
  • Arrangements are being made for stricter legal action by uniting the agencies that take action against improper waste management at the local self-government level.
  • 'Smart Garbage Application' will be made operational in time to implement MIS system for waste management in each Local Self-Government of the State.
  • Regional Landfill Centres will be set up for disposal of non-treatable and hazardous wastes.
  • Litter-free Kerala is organizing a grassroots campaign focusing on green protocol, recycling, segregation at source and promotion of alternative products.
  • Training system is set up in coordination with KILA, Engineering Colleges, Agriculture University and other technical institutes in this field for human resource development for integrated waste management.
  • Decentralized septage/faecal sludge treatment plants for sewage treatment and sewage treatment plants under the leadership of local self-government bodies.
  • Upgrading the existing traditional latrines to scientific sanitation structures.
  • Decentralized systems to prevent water pollution are set up under the leadership of local self-governing bodies.
  • Organizing campaign activities to create awareness among public to prevent water pollution.
  • Implementation of Green Protocol in tourist destinations and promotion of green tourism in collaboration with Local Self-Governments, Department of Tourism and Responsible Tourism Mission.
  • Creation of facilitation centers at local level and online marketing system for general public to purchase waste management systems, understand usage patterns and provide related services.
  • After completing each phase of the mission activities, a system is created to store the achievements up to that point in digital form and use it in a knowledge-friendly manner for the future generations.
  • Preparing an online platform to record the achievements of each stage of waste management projects and make them available to the public.
  • Promotion of utilisation of CSR fund in the field of waste management.
  • Steps are being taken to institute Chief Minister's Navkerala Purasakaram  for best performing Local Self-Government Bodies, People's Representatives, Officers, Departments, Missions/Agencies, .
  • Take a Break centre will be established at the locations of all public sector institutions and centers like universities along the national and state highways. These will ensure that they are disability friendly, women friendly and environment friendly.
  • Increasing facilities for biomedical waste management in medical colleges and district taluk hospitals.
  • Public cremation will be ensured in all local self-government bodies.