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Workshop for Residents Association Representatives

As part of the campaign for a waste-free Newkerala, a workshop was organized in Thiruvananthapuram with the participation of state and district level in-charges of Residents Associations. The workshop, organized by the Haritha Keralam Mission, was inaugurated by the State Coordinator of the Navakeralam Karma Padhathi, Dr. T.N. Seema. Dr. T.N. Seema said that a change in habits and attitude is essential on the issues of cleanliness, waste management and environmental restoration. Anil Kumar, State Working President of the Residents Association, presided over the workshop. State General Secretary Ajith Kumar P.C. and Assistant Coordinator of Nava Keralam Karma Padhathi ,  T.P. Sudhakaran spoke. Program Officer V. Rajendran Nair made a presentation. It was also decided in the workshop to organize further activities in a time-bound manner so that the Waste-Free Newkerala campaign activities reach all the residents associations in the state.