Garbage-free New Kerala People's Campaign to begin on October 2
The planning and preparation activities of the Garbage free New Kerala campaign (Malinyamuktham Navakeralam : Janakeeya Campaign)), which will be organized from next month across the state with the aim of clean Kerala and sustainable Kerala, are progressing at a fast pace. It was decided in the meetings of department heads and political parties held under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister last month (2024 August) that practical activities should be carried out with the participation of the people at all levels. The campaign activities are being planned in such a way that starting on Gandhi Jayanthi day 2nd October 2024 and ending on International Zero Waste Day 30th March 2025, the state can achieve the goal of Total Garbage Free Kerala.
The various elements in the area of sanitary waste management are coordinated and planned in a timely manner from the state level to the district and local self-governing body-ward level. The campaign is implemented in such a way that all sections of the society fulfill their respective roles and the local self-government bodies, various departments and agencies perform their duties. The coordination is based on the action plan jointly prepared by Haritha Kerala Mission, Sanitation Mission, Pollution Control Board, Clean Kerala Company, Kudumbashree Mission, Kerala Solid Waste Management Project etc. The existing systems for waste management will be analyzed and any deficiencies will be identified before the camp. Information is being collected in this regard. In order to conduct the campaign, apart from the state level, the implementation committee has been formed at the district and local self-government level and the activities are being planned on a priority basis.
The public campaign will begin with an inaugural programme dedicated to the nation by presenting the models created in waste management activities at the State, District and Local Self-Government levels. Completed model projects will be selected for this. Meetings and training programmes involving various organizations have already started for the success of the camp which will be completed in various phases in six months.